Wizard Hat

Wizard Hat [Additional]
[Monster Drop] Base DEF 17, INT 2%, MATK 1%, Magical Resistance 3%, Dark resistance 4%
[Blacksmith] Base DEF 17, INT 2%, MATK 1%, Magical Resistance 5%, Dark resistance 5%

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Astron (Lv50)
[Additional] Wizard Hat
[Strength] Dark
[Weakness] Light
[See Map] - [Road to Another World] - [Road to Another World: Area 1]

Astron (Lv50)
[Additional] Wizard Hat
[Strength] Dark
[Weakness] Light
[See Map] - [Road to Another World] - [Road to Another World: Area 2]

Wizard Hat [Additional]
Material 1: Spiritual Gem x5
Material 2: Owl Feather x5
Material 3: Cloth x100
Material 4: Mana x25
Price: 250 Spina