
Quest: Let's collect the ingredients for Frente so that she can cook the dish for Sololo and his guest!
Experience: 64100 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect the ingredients of the medicine for seasick and the cloths to make a blanket for Forf's friend!
Reward: Tricorn x1
Experience: 93500 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect the nuts that go well with beer!
Experience: 2640 Exp
Objective: Nut x12
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's collect Mint Gummy for Zono!
Experience: 27000 Exp
Objective: Mint Gummy x12
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's drive off something that is raising an eerie voice in the Underground Channel!
Reward: Bandana x1
Experience: 1280 Exp
Objective: x30, Gespenst x1
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's defeat the Night Mushrooms that attacked Yunis' friend at Reug Salt Plains: Wanderers Camp!
Experience: 660 Exp
Objective: Night Mushroom x30
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's collect the magical item that can control non-living objects!
Experience: 86000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Defeat Boars that are coming down from Nisel Mountain and attacking people around Icule Lake!
Reward: Dagger x1
Experience: 1360 Exp
Objective: Boar x40
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's collect Nisel Wood for the Land Under Development!
Experience: 10080 Exp
Objective: Nisel Wood x30
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's get rid of the mutated plants in Isthmus of Kaus and prevent them from going to other region!
Reward: Iron x1
Experience: 2250 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's deliver the materials of fancy fabric to Lefina!
Reward: Potum Hat x1
Experience: 1584 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Let's collect the ingredients for Frente's new cooking recipe!
Experience: 53000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect the materials for Forf so he can make a spare anchor!
Experience: 43000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's defeat the monsters at the fortress so that Zono's drinking pal can come down to the city!
Experience: 26000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's collect the foods that can be kept for a long period of time for Forf!
Reward: Ship Cap x1
Experience: 14512 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's get the ingredient of the powdered medicine to cure stomachache!
Experience: 104 Exp
Objective: Animal Horn x1
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's hunt Piedras that interfere with collecting stone!
Experience: 70 Exp
Objective: Piedra x10
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's get the Brutal Dragon's Horns for the princess!
Reward: Longblade x1
Experience: 592 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Let's collect Dented Iron Plates to use at the Land Under Development!
Reward: Misanga x1
Experience: 25000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's drive off something that is raising an eerie voice in the Underground Channel!
Reward: Magi Klug x1
Experience: 220 Exp
Objective: x20
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's get rid of the small monsters that bite or steal the things in the city!
Reward: Bowgun x1
Experience: 5 Exp
Objective: Ruin Rat x5, Torpo x5
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect Huge Iron Balls for Lefina to train her servants!
Experience: 90000 Exp
Objective: Huge Iron Ball x30
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Let's collect the materials so Frente can make a new bag for Sololo!
Experience: 9870 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect the materials of pendulums for Forf!
Reward: Pendulum x1
Experience: 2948 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect High-Purity Oil for Zono to take care of the bowgun!
Experience: 95000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Zono says the sour nuts go well with liquor. Let's collect them!
Reward: Revita I x3
Experience: 36000 Exp
Objective: Sour Nut x12
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's collect the materials for a charm sail to protect the ship!
Experience: 38000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect the materials for Forf to repair ships!
Reward: Kite Shield
Experience: 4158 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's look for the beautiful gems found in the Underground Ruins!
Objective: Pale Gem x2
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: The materials for Yunis' working clothes are so expensive. Let's collect the materials for him!
Experience: 47000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: No idea what they are for but let's collect the crystals that show bad dreams to the owner!
Experience: 300000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Let's collect Fairy Feathers that emit light!
Experience: 1740 Exp
Objective: Fairy Feather x15
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's defeat the two types of monsters that are staying at the spring to secure clean water for liquor!
Experience: 6700 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's defeat the goblin thieves in the ruined temple!
Experience: 1550 Exp
Objective: Goblin x50
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect Boss Colon Skin to create luxurious wallpaper!
Experience: 56 Exp
Objective: Boss Colon Skin x1
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Frente is trying to cook nutritious dish for Sololo. Let's collect the ingredients for her!
Experience: 142000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect the materials to restore Forf's tools!
Experience: 73000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect the snacks for drunk Zono!
Experience: 504 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's collect the materials to protect Forf's ship from fire and monsters!
Experience: 6330 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect the roasted fruit popular in the faraway region as a snack!
Reward: Regera I x3
Experience: 15360 Exp
Objective: Roasted Fruit x12
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's get rid of Colons in the Land Under Development and defeat Boss Colon!
Reward: Colon Met x1
Experience: 480 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's collect the mysterious gem that glows forever for the princess!
Experience: 1720 Exp
Objective: Fiery Gem x1
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Let's expel the ghosts at Nehelo Swamp! And get rid of the lizards on your way!
Reward: Jamadhar x1
Experience: 4700 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Nobody wanted to eat bitter nuts but you heard that they go well with beer. Let's collect it and see if it's true!
Experience: 18270 Exp
Objective: Bitter Nut x12
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's collect the strange crystals that increase in number for Lefina!
Experience: 400000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Frente wants to cook for Sololo to encourage him. Let's collect the ingredients!
Experience: 1814 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect the ingredients and materials for Sololo so he can hold a party!
Experience: 39000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's collect the ingredients of paste bait for Forf.
Experience: 1944 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect the ingredients of Zono's new dish!
Experience: 109000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's collect the materials to create the talisman popular among young girls!
Experience: 25000 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Forf
Quest: Let's collect the two types of jelly that cure hangover!
Reward: Cape x1
Experience: 1344 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Zono
Quest: Let's get rid of Nemicos that are obstructing the excavation in the Underground Ruins!
Reward: Magiadd I
Experience: 340 Exp
Objective: Nemico x20
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's collect new Minotaur Skin for Lefina!
Experience: 372 Exp
Objective: Minotaur Skin x3
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Let's collect wooden dolls that perform strange dance at midnight by casting spells on them for Lefina!
Experience: 380000 Exp
Objective: Wooden Doll x99
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Quest: Figo is said to be raising the price of wood using monsters as an excuse. Let's get rid of them at the Land Under Cultivation to stop his excuse!
Experience: 13700 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's get rid of the 3 types of monsters that are intruding the Wanderers Camp in Reug Salt Plains!
Experience: 420 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: There was a large outbreak of monsters at Saham Crater. Get rid of them so that they won't overflow!
Experience: 6900 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Yunis
Quest: Let's get rid of Little Boars and Shell Masks to decrease the number of Boars and protect people!
Reward: Headband x1
Experience: 2200 Exp
Location: Sofya City - Frente
Quest: Let's get back the small articles stolen from the temple!
Experience: 11400 Exp
Objective: Small Article x30
Location: Sofya City - Lefina
Experience: 1040 Exp
Objective: B.B. Goblin x1
Location: Rugio Ruins - Moralo
Experience: 1000 Exp
Objective: Kijimu x30
Location: Rugio Ruins - Moralo
Experience: 610 Exp
Objective: Boss Goblin x1
Location: Rugio Ruins - Moralo
Experience: 100000 Exp
Spina: 1500
Location: El Scaro - Ravagne
Experience: 130000 Exp
Objective: Dried Walnut x30
Location: El Scaro - Juan
Experience: 51300 Exp
Location: El Scaro - Rina
Reward: Mezraq x1
Experience: 100000 Exp
Location: El Scaro - Potolo
Reward: Staff Gem x1
Experience: 460000 Exp
Objective: White Petal x99
Location: El Scaro - Felicia


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